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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Impact of Advertisements on Childrens Buying Behavior

Nowadays, marketers are more concerned with understanding the children's buying behavior. Children purchase products on their own and to a large extent, influence the purchase decisions of their parents directly or indirectly. Hence, the marketers use advertisements as a tool to influence children's buying behavior.


In the highly competitive and globalized market, business organizations are leaving no stone unturned to come out with flying colors, by creating greater awareness and long-run acceptability of their products brands. Creation of awareness mainly depends on persuasive communication with the buyers and potential customers, and here comes the role of advertisement, which is an art of persuading others to purchase what marketer has.

Advertisement is one of the major tools that all business firms use for persuasive communication. The effectiveness of advertising depends on the extent to which the advertising message is received and accepted by the target audiences.

Advertising may be in various forms like magazine advertisements, pamphlets or posters, billboards, television commercials, Internet advertising, etc. It also involves all forms of promotion and sponsorship. So, the different vehicles for advertising the product can be categorized as print media, broadcast media, direct mail advertising media, outdoor media and electronic media. Marketers pay special attention to children, who are considered by many the most vulnerable audiences because they enjoy advertisements to the maximum extent. With their amazing brand recall capability, they remember the advertisements and the names of the products. Marketers try to draw children's attention through various means like TVs, magazines, etc.


Advertising Express Magazine, Children Advertisements, Globalized Markets, Business Organizations, Magazine Advertisements, Internet Advertising, Television Commercials, Electronic Media, Advertising Media, Television Advertisements, Celebrity Endorsements.